This page is a directory of all published pages on Cambridgeshire Insight.
- About JSNAs
- About Us
- Accessibility Statement
- ACORN Community Profiles
- ACORN Well Being Profiles
- ADHD and autism
- Adult eating disorder services
- Adult offenders
- Adult social care
- Adult Social Care
- Advocacy
- AFC About
- AFC Council Support
- AFC Documents Annual Reports
- AFC Documents Board
- AFC Documents Library
- AFC Get Involved
- AFC Home
- AFC Local Support
- AFC Map
- AFC Organisations
- AFC Orgs that have signed the AFC
- AFC Support
- AFC_News_202401112
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- Affordability analysis
- Age structure and population change
- Age UK – Loneliness Interactive Map
- Air Quality
- Alcohol
- Alcohol use
- All JSNA Dashboards
- Ambition 1
- Annual physical health checks
- Annual Public Health Report
- Annual Traffic Monitoring Reports
- Anti-Social Behaviour
- Area Profiles
- A-Z Page Listing
- CAB – Cost of Living Dashboard
- Cambridge
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Adult Social Care
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Apprenticeships
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Area profile
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Children’s Social Care
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough State of the Region
- Cambridgeshire Child and Family Centres
- Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data
- Cambridge City
- Cambridge & District Citizens Advice Bureau (CCAB)
- Cancer screening
- Capacity
- Careersometer
- Carers
- Carer support
- Care experienced people
- Car Parking
- Census 2011
- Census 2021
- Changing Futures Cambridgeshire & Peterborough
- Chapter 1: Demography
- Chapter 2: Climate Change
- Chapter 3: Built and Natural Environment
- Chapter 4: Infrastructure and Services
- Chapter 5: Communities and Social Cohesion
- Children and young people
- Children and Young People
- Children’s Commissioning
- Children, Young People & Education
- Child removal
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Climate Change and the Environment
- Communications
- Communities Dashboard
- Communities Further Resources
- Communities Service
- Community mental health services
- Community Safety Document Library
- Community Safety Partnerships
- Community Safety Resources
- Community Safety Topics
- Community Survey and Engagement
- Community Toolkit
- Community Wellbeing
- Comorbidity in Physical and Mental Health
- Contact with the criminal justice system
- cookies
- Coronavirus
- Cost of Living
- Country of birth commentary
- Covid-19 Public Health Intelligence Reports
- COVID-19 Travel Impacts
- Co-occurring conditions
- Co-production and co-design
- CPCA LMI Piktochart Example
- CQC Regulated Locations
- Crime & Community Safety
- Crime, Safety and Violence
- Crisis services
- Culture and Heritage
- Current and predicted prevalence
- Custom Area Reporter
- Cycle Flows Dashboard
- CYP JSNA Chapter 2
- CYP JSNA Chapter 3
- CYP JSNA Chapter 4
- CYP JSNA Introduction and Chapter 1
- Dashboard
- Dashboard
- Dashboards Library
- Data and Dashboards
- Data Explorer
- Data Map
- DA Infographic
- Demand and Flow
- Dementia
- Demographics
- Demographics
- Demographics
- Demography
- Demography and Migration
- Deprivation
- Detail of the Homelessness Trailblazer project 2017 to 2020
- Diet and weight
- Difficulties with infant feeding
- Digital
- Disability
- Disease and poor health
- Document Library
- Domestic Abuse
- Domestic abuse
- Drugs and alcohol needs assessment 2023
- Drug use
- East Cambridgeshire
- East Cambridgeshire
- East of England Forecasting Model (EEFM)
- Eating disorder services
- Economic Updates
- Economy
- Economy & Employment Document Library
- Editor Guidance
- Education
- Education and Life-long Learning
- Emerging evidence of needs and impacts
- Employment and Working Conditions
- Employment support
- Entering adulthood (age 17 to 25)
- Environmental factors
- Equality and diversity
- Equality and diversity
- Estimated prevalence
- Ethnicity
- Ethnicity and languages
- Ethnic Group, National Identity, Language and Religion
- Ethnic minority families
- Evidence base for prevention
- Evidence base for prevention
- Evidence base for prevention
- Evidence base for prevention
- Evidence base for prevention
- Evidence base for prevention
- Evidence base for prevention
- Evidence base for prevention
- Executive Summary and Recommendations
- Existing homes
- Hate Crime and Cohesion
- Healthcare Public Health
- Healthy Places JSNA
- Health and Social Care Hub
- Health and Wellbeing
- Health and Wellbeing Board
- Health and Wellbeing Hub
- Health Profiles Dashboard
- Health Protection Dashboard
- Health Topics
- Health, Disability and Unpaid Care
- Hoarding
- Homelessness
- Homelessness
- Homelessness Trailblazer
- Homelessness transformation
- Homes for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough
- Homes for well being
- Households and population commentary
- Household size and occupancy ratings commentary
- Housing
- Housing
- Housing against domestic abuse
- Housing and Planning Menu
- Housing enablers
- Housing guide
- Housing market bulletins
- Housing need
- Housing Operations Group
- Housing priorities
- Housing providers
- Housing & devolution
- Housing & Planning
- Housing & the cost of living
- Housing & the environment
- Housing, Homelessness and Environmental Justice
- Housing, Homelessness and Environmental Justice
- Housing, mental health & substance misuse toolkit
- How Are You (HAY) website
- Huntingdonshire
- Huntingdonshire
- ICS Outcomes Framework
- Importance of perinatal mental health
- Indices of Multiple Deprivation
- Inequalities
- Inequalities
- Inequalities
- Inequality groups
- Infographic
- Inpatient
- Integrated Commissioning Board
- Integrating lived experience
- Integrating physical and mental health
- Interactive Crime Map
- Interactive Map
- Interactive Map
- Interactive Map
- Interactive Map
- Interactive Map
- Interactive Map
- Interactive Report
- Interactive Reports
- Interactive Reports
- Interactive Reports
- Interactive Reports
- Interactive Reports
- Interactive Reports
- Interventions for common mental health conditions
- Interventions for common mental illness
- Interventions for severe mental illness
- Interventions for severe mental illness
- Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
- JSNA district summaries
- JSNA 2023
- JSNA 2023 Contents
- JSNA 2023 dashboards child admissions
- JSNA 2023 dashboards COVID-19 and excess deaths
- JSNA 2023 Dashboards inequality
- JSNA 2023 dashboards prevalence of disease
- JSNA 2023 dashboards recent mortality
- JSNA 2023 dashboards self rated health
- JSNA 2023 dashboards – Demography
- JSNA 2023 dashboards – Fertility
- JSNA 2023 Dashboards – population forecasts
- JSNA 2023 dashboards – Ethnicity
- JSNA 2023 dashboards: Language
- JSNA 2023 Dashboard Life Expectancy
- JSNA 2023 dashboard local health
- JSNA 2023 Executive Summary
- JSNA 2023 population change
- JSNA 2023 User Guide
- Labour Market
- Lack of social support
- Language
- Learning disability
- Learning health system
- LG Inform COVID tracker
- Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy
- Life stages
- Local Authority
- Local Economic Assessment
- Local health
- Local Housing Knowledge
- Local Nursery Profiles
- Local picture
- Local picture
- Local policy
- Local population
- Local Population Estimates and Forecasts
- Local Population Estimates and Forecasts
- Loneliness
- Map Explorer
- Medically unexplained symptoms
- Mental Health
- Mental Health JSNA
- Mental health need
- Mental health need
- Mental Health Needs Assessment
- Mental Health Profiles Dashboard
- Mental health services
- Mental health support for young adults
- Mental health system overview
- Migrants, asylum seekers and refugees
- Migration
- Migration commentary
- Monitoring housing, business and renewable energy development
- Mortality and premature mortality (overall rates and causes)
- Parental substance use
- Parish Profile
- Perinatal factors
- Perinatal mental health
- Perinatal mental health support
- Perinatal Mental Health survey for Rosie Maternity and Neonatal Voices
- Personality disorder services
- Peterborough
- Peterborough
- Physical activity
- Physical health and common mental health conditions
- Physical health and severe mental illness
- Piktochart test
- Place Based Asessments
- Planning & Development
- Policy context
- Policy context
- Population
- Population change commentary
- Population factors
- Population Groups
- Population profile commentary
- Population Reports
- Postcodes for new homes
- Poverty
- Poverty and Financial Insecurity
- Poverty and financial insecurity
- Practical and social interventions
- Practical and social interventions
- Predicted future change
- Pregnancy or baby loss
- Preschool (age 2 to 4)
- Previous JSNAs, other relevant analysis, and future work
- Primary care
- Primary care
- Primary school (age 5 to 10)
- Public Health
- Public Health Outcomes Framework
- Published Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA)
- Publishers Resources
- Recorded prevalence
- References
- References
- References
- References
- References
- References
- References
- Refugees and asylum seekers
- Rehabilitation services
- Religion
- Respiratory
- Risk and preventative factors
- RM Test
- Roads, Transport and Active Travel
- Road Safety
- Road Safety Dashboard
- Road Traffic Collision Data
- Scams
- School-based interventions
- Search
- Search (Bing, deprecated)
- Secondary school (age 11 to 16)
- Services for all parents and infants
- Service provision
- Service provision
- Severe multiple disadvantage
- Severe multiple disadvantage
- Severe multiple disadvantage
- Sexuality
- Sexual and reproductive health needs assessment 2024
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
- Smokefree inpatient mental health services
- Smoking
- Smoking and Health Behaviours
- Social prescribing
- Socioeconomic deprivation
- Socioeconomic deprivation
- Socioeconomic deprivation
- Socio-Demographic Segmentation
- South Cambridgeshire
- South Cambridgeshire
- Specialist perinatal mental health services
- Strategies
- Substance Use
- Substance use
- Summary
- Summary
- Summary
- Summary
- Summary
- Summary
- Support in schools
- Suspect/Offender Needs Infographic
- System enablers
- Talking Therapies
- Test AK
- The Housing Board
- The learning ecosystem
- The national Changing Futures programme
- The trusted person approach
- Topic Summaries
- Towns and Wards
- Traffic Count Sites
- Traffic Flows
- Traffic Flows Dashboard
- Transport Insights
- Traumatic births
- Trauma informed system
- Trauma-informed approach
- Travel Times and Speeds
- Travel To Work
- Veterans
- Victims
- Victims and Offenders
- Victims of crime
- Victim Needs Infographic
- Violence
- Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)
- Voluntary and community sector support
- Voluntary and community sector support
- Voluntary and community support
- Voluntary & Community Sector (VCS)
- VONA Gender and Age Pyramid
- Ward Demography Dashboard
- Ward population forecast map
- Ward Profile
- Welcome to Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Insight
- West Suffolk
- What are inequalities in mental health?
- What does good look like?
- What do local people tell us?
- Wider context
- Wider context
- Wider context
- Wider context
- Wider determinants and inequalities
- Wider Determinants of Health Dashboard
- Winter Surveillance Dashboard
- Workforce
- Working-age adults
- Work Routes