Green Jobs

Green Jobs

This page looks at the varied landscape of green jobs in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, exploring online job postings, green occupations and estimated number of green jobs. The data is from three sources: Lightcast, Office for National Statistics (ONS) and Local Government Association (LGA).

However, with no standard definition for green jobs, there are challenges in identifying and categorizing them.

The analysis, presented in three sections in the below slide pack, gives an overview for the region:

    1. Exploring online job postings: Examining available online job postings from Lightcast within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Lightcast is a service which provides information on job postings, occupations, and industries. Lightcast has a ‘job-posting aggregator’ which scans jobs websites for postings and presents them together.
    2. Green Occupations: analysing occupations that are likely to be influenced by the net zero transition. This analysis is based on the methodology of Greater London Authorities’ “Working Paper 99“. This broader approach considers occupations that may undergo transformation as industries adopt greener practices.
    3. Estimated Green Jobs: Exploring the data provided by the Local Government Association on  estimated green jobs that are required in order to reach net zero by 2050. Please note Cambridgeshire as a county has pledged to be net zero by 2045. This analysis focuses on direct jobs within six key green industries.

It is important to note that each section adopts a distinct methodology, making direct comparisons challenging. While Lightcast focuses on online job postings, the Green Occupations section broadens its scope to encompass occupations potentially affected by the transition to net zero. Meanwhile, the LGA’s analysis provides a targeted look at the industries crucial for our collective environmental goals.

The detailed analysis can be found in the following slide pack.

PDF Version:

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Green Jobs in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough