Air Quality
The purpose of this page is to bring together all existing information and data surrounding air quality across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. It is the statutory responsibility of each of the districts across the area to monitor and report on air quality.
Air quality data for Cambridge City
Cambridge City Air Quality team provide data from their continuous air quality monitors. The air quality monitors primarily measure nitrous oxides (NOx) and Particulate Matter (PM), which are used as proxies for overall air quality. The air quality data is included in our Quarterly Transport Update.
The latest update can be found here: Transport Data Insights. The air quality section is usually towards the end of the slide pack.
District-level Air Quality Information
Use the links below to go to the air pollution/air quality sections of each district’s website. There you will find the most up-to-date air quality information and reports:
- Cambridge City Council
- East Cambridgeshire District Council
- Fenland District Council
- Huntingdonshire District Council
- Peterborough City Council
- South Cambridgeshire District Council
The Cambridgeshire Insight Document Library ‘Environment’ section also contains some recent annual air quality status reports from each district.
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment: Air Quality
The Cambridgeshire Transport and Health Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is a comprehensive piece of analysis across the county which contains a paper on Air Pollution (2015).
Pollution forecasts
The UK-AIR website by Defra provides air pollution information and pollution forecasts provided by the Met Office.
Daily Air Quality Index
The UK-AIR Daily Air Quality Index (DAQI) tells you about levels of air pollution and provides recommended actions and health advice. The index is numbered 1-10 and divided into four bands: Low (1-3), Moderate (4-6), High (7-9), Very High (10). The index aims to provide detail about air pollution levels in a simple way, similar to the sun index or pollen index.