Housing providers

In March 2018 a total of 76 housing providers owned and managed social housing across the Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and West Suffolk.

Page currently being update, 13th November 2018

Who are the big ones?

This number includes Cambridge City Homes and South Cambridgeshire District Council housing – the two councils who continue to manage council housing. The other five districts have transferred council housing to a housing association partner, who are known as the stock transfer landlords. These are:

  • Sanctuary in East Cambridgeshire
  • Clarion Housing in Fenland
  • Flagship in Forest Heath
  • Luminus in Huntingdonshire
  • Cross Keys in Peterborough
  • Havebury in St Edmundsbury.

How many others are there?

In each district, besides the stock transfer landlord, other housing providers including housing associations, almshouse trusts and other providers registered with Homes England build, own and manage homes. Some own very small numbers of homes and focus on particular locations or issues – others have a large number of homes across the whole area.

  • Cambridge has 31 registered providers
  • East Cambridgeshire has 19 registered providers
  • Fenland has 26 registered providers
  • Huntingdonshire has 32 registered providers
  • South Cambridgeshire has 28 registered providers
  • Forest Heath has 17 registered providers
  • St Edmundsbury has 24 registered providers
  • Peterborough has 26 registered providers

…though many of the providers operate in more than one district.

In 2018 we updated our directory of housing associations and providers across our area, using data from Homes England. We’ve included a rough guide to the type and number of homes they own and/or manage in that district, and links to their website “home page” so you can find out more.

Where does the data come from?

  • The list of providers comes from Homes England. The data is gathered from each provider in April each year, it’s then checked and published around October, finally we publish the local list on Cambridgeshire Insight in November.
  • The provider web addresses have been added locally. Some providers do not appear to have a website but these can be added, if you can provide the missing information.
  • As provider names and stock numbers change during the course of a year, the list is reviewed and updated each Autumn, once Homes England has published its data.
  • The most recent update in full detail can be found at www.gov.uk/government/statistics/statistical-data-return-2017-to-2018
  • Highlights from the national return which relate to our eight local districts are also available as open data, at http://opendata.cambridgeshireinsight.org.uk/dataset/private-registered-provider-housing-our-area. This includes data on housing stock, rents and affordable rent.
  • Below are the housing providers and stock numbers for each local authority area. Where the provider name is shown in black text, no website could be found.
  • Homes England has also produced two toolkits, if you follow these links you can look at the data by district, and by provider (SB to add links).


  • <5 means “less than 5”
  • LCHO is short for low cost home ownership
  • Please let us know if you have corrections or improvements to make to the list by e-mailing sue.beecroft@cambridge.gov.uk. Thank you.



In Cambridge, council housing is owned and managed by Cambridge City Homes, please see https://www.cambridge.gov.uk/housing.

Here is a list of housing providers registered with Homes England who own and/or manage homes in Cambridge, with a guide to the number and type of homes as at March 2018.

If you click on the blue provider name, their home page will open in a new window to help you find out more.


General needs Supported housing Older people LCHO
Abbeyfield Society 34
Aldwyk Housing Group 58 29
Anchor Trust 140
Argyle Street Housing Co-operative 84
bpha 1,378 12 90 340
Cherry Hinton Almshouse Charity <5
CHS Group 1,204 221 300 33
Clarion Housing Association 436 47
Flagship Housing Group 35
Genesis Housing Association <5 <5
Hastoe Housing Association 8 <5
Home Group 10
Housing & Care 21 162
Housing Partnership (London) 78
Hundred Houses Society 1,618 72 31
King Street Housing Society 181 11 21
London & Quadrant Housing Trust 178
Luminus Homes 414 45
Metropolitan Housing Trust 1,320 200 48 17
Orbit South Housing Association 9
Origin Housing 12 44 <5
Orwell Housing Association 30
Papworth Trust 12
Paradise Housing Co-operative 11
Places for People Living+ <5
Richmond Fellowship 12
Riverside Group 86 214
Sanctuary Housing Association 1,008
Suffolk Housing Society 32
Waters Almshouses (links to CHS website) 6
Wisbech Charities 21
YMCA Cambridgeshire & Peterborough 80


East Cambridgeshire

Here is a list of housing providers registered with Homes England who own and/or manage homes in East Cambridgeshire, with a guide to the number and type of homes as at March 2018.

If you click on the blue provider name, their home page will open in a new window to help you find out more.


General needs Supported Older peoples LCHO
Axiom Housing Association 48 130
bpha 16 19
Cambridgeshire Cottage Housing Society 8
CHS Group 636 66 104
Clarion Housing Group 180 53
Colne Housing Society 8
Flagship Housing Group 118
Genesis Housing Association <5
Hastoe Housing Association 170 21
Havebury Housing Partnership 36 14
Hundred Houses Society 178 22
Mary Hatch Almshouses with Diamond Jubilee Cottages 6
Metropolitan Housing Trust 126 18 9
Muir Group Housing Association <5
Orbit South Housing Association 68 <5
Papworth Trust <5
Progress Care Housing Association 12
Saffron Housing Trust 10 <5
Sanctuary Housing Association & Sanctuary Affordable Housing 6,494 104 1,916 156
Sovereign Housing Association <5
Stonewater 50 11


Here is a list of housing providers registered with Homes England who own and/or manage homes in Fenland, with a guide to the number and type of homes as at March 2018.

If you click on the blue provider name, their home page will open in a new window to help you find out more.



General needs Supported Older peoples LCHO
Accent Housing Group 666 138 16
Anchor Trust 54
Axiom Housing Association 296 62 <5
bpha <5 <5
CHS Group 362 56
Clarion Housing Group 7202 844 95
Cotman Housing Association 11
Cross Keys Homes 36
First Priority Housing Association 8
Flagship Housing Group 6
Genesis Housing Association 36
Golden Lane Housing 25
Home Group 150 42 17
Housing & Care 21 62
Hundred Houses Society 70 <5
Hyde Housing Association 84 <5
Inclusion Housing Community Interest Company 10
Longhurst & Havelok Homes <5
Luminus Homes 14
Metropolitan Housing Trust 118
Muir Group Housing Association 194 40 8
Oak Foundation (part of Luminus) <5 31
Orbit Group <5
Papworth Trust 14
Places for People Homes <5
Reside Housing Association 36
Saffron Housing Trust <5
Sanctuary Housing Association & Sanctuary Affordable Housing 292 24 262 <5
Thames Valley Housing Association <5

Forest Heath

Here is a list of housing providers registered with Homes England who own and/or manage homes in Forest Heath, with a guide to the number and type of homes as at March 2018.

If you click on the blue provider name, their home page will open in a new window to help you find out more.



General needs Supported Older peoples LCHO
bpha 8 13
Brandon Poor’s Estate 7
Broadland Housing Association 162
Clarion Housing Group 64 20
Co-op Homes (South) <5
Cotman Housing Association 80 11
Flagship Housing Group 5,772 56 518 179
Hanover Housing Association 52
Hastoe Housing Association 44 8
Havebury Housing Partnership 298 39
Metropolitan Housing Trust 12 <5
Orbit South Housing Association 390 16 96 33
Orwell Housing Association 30
Papworth Trust <5
Reside Housing Association 12
Saffron Housing Trust <5
Sanctuary Housing Association 58 68 23
Southern Home Ownership <5
Suffolk Housing Society 410 15 108


Here is a list of housing providers registered with Homes England who own and/or manage homes in Huntingdonshire, with a guide to the number and type of homes as at March 2018.

If you click on the blue provider name, their home page will open in a new window to help you find out more.



General needs Supported Older peoples LCHO
Accent Housing Group 848 126 13
Aldwyck Housing Group 98
Anchor Trust 152
Axiom Housing Association 514 76 92
Bespoke Supportive Tenancies <5
bpha 1318 17 247
Catalyst Housing <5
CHS Group 442 12 44
Clarion Housing Group 218 17
Cotman Housing Association 60
Cross Keys Homes 206 37
Dimensions (UK) 11
Golden Lane Housing 12
Guinness Partnership 136 25
Hanover Housing Association 226
Hastoe Housing Association 60 7
Havebury Housing Partnership 80 <5
Home Group 36
Housing & Care 21 214
Hundred Houses Society 38 <5
Hyde Housing Association 242 80
Longhurst & Havelok Homes 124 31
Luminus Homes 10,768 26 129
Metropolitan Housing Trust 444 58 11
Muir Group Housing Association 990 76 132 26
Oak Foundation (part of Luminus) 14 25 539
Orbit South Housing Association <5
Papworth Trust 33
Places for People Living+ <5
Progress Care Housing Association 6
Ramsey Welfare Charities 44
Reside Housing Association 64
Salvation Army Housing Association 36
Stonewater 20


Here is a list of housing providers registered with Homes England who own and/or manage homes in Peterborough, with a guide to the number and type of homes as at March 2018.

If you click on the blue provider name, their home page will open in a new window to help you find out more.


General needs Supported Older peoples LCHO
Accent Housing Group 2,568 494 128
Anchor Trust 166
Aragon Housing Association <5
Axiom Housing Association 1,668 291 678 37
Bespoke Supportive Tenancies 6
bpha 752 174
Clarion Housing Group 766 7
Cross Keys Homes 17,182 150 2,566 409
First Priority Housing Association 110
Genesis Housing Association 52
Golden Lane Housing 8
Guinness Partnership 6
Habinteg Housing Association 14
Hanover Housing Association 124
Home Group 912 89 34
Housing & Care 21 260
Hundred Houses Society <5
Hyde Housing Association 1,502 428 18
Inclusion Housing Community Interest Company 58
Longhurst & Havelok Homes 495 84
Luminus Homes 34
Muir Group Housing Association 20
Orbit South Housing Association 6
Papworth Trust 36
Places for People Homes <5
Saffron Housing Trust <5
Stonewater <5
Westmoreland Supported Housing 38
YMCA Cambridgeshire & Peterborough 111

South Cambridgeshire

In South Cambridgeshire, council housing is owned and managed by South Cambridgeshire District Council – please see https://www.scambs.gov.uk/services/council-tenants for more detail.

Here is a list of housing providers registered with Homes England who own and/or manage homes in South Cambridgeshire, with a guide to the number and type of homes as at March 2018.

If you click on the blue provider name, their home page will open in a new window to help you find out more.


General needs Supported Older peoples LCHO
Accent Housing Group 458 101
Aldwyck Housing Group <5 <5
Aragon Housing Association 6
bpha 614 16 238
Cambridgeshire Cottage Housing Society 57
CHS Group 980 120 164
Clarion Housing Group 1,052 18 127
Cotman Housing Association 78 9
Cross Keys Homes 10 <5
Flagship Housing Group 307 156
Genesis Housing Association 11
Guinness Partnership 64 <5
Hanover Housing Association 64
Hastoe Housing Association 10 <5
Havebury Housing Partnership 8 <5
Hundred Houses Society 410 54
King Street Housing Society 47 8
Longhurst & Havelok Homes 40 <5
Luminus Homes 88 33
Metropolitan Housing Trust 1360 147 137
Orbit South Housing Association 16 11
Papworth Trust 172 255
Paradigm Homes Charitable Housing Association 20 10
Places for People Homes 78 50
Riverside Group 24
Saffron Housing Trust <5
Sanctuary Housing Association & Sanctuary Affordable Housing 24 68 148
Stonewater 108 24
Suffolk Housing Society 52 30

St Edmundsbury

Here is a list of housing providers registered with Homes England who own and/or manage homes in St Edmundsbury, with a guide to the number and type of homes as at March 2018.

If you click on the blue provider name, their home page will open in a new window to help you find out more.

General needs Supported Older peoples LCHO
Abbeyfield Society 26
bpha <5 13 6
Broadland Housing Association 20
Catalyst Housing <5
Clarion Housing Group 8
Estuary Housing Association <5
Flagship Housing Group 342 56
Genesis Housing Association 180
Golden Lane Housing <5
Hanover Housing Association 300
Hastoe Housing Association 21 9
Hastoe Wyvern Housing Association 9
Havebury Housing Partnership 10,924 204 698 39
Home Group 36
Housing & Care 21 174
Metropolitan Housing Trust 290 34 28
Orbit South Housing Association 186 56 64 48
Orwell Housing Association 232 24
Papworth Trust 6
Reside Housing Association 14
Riverside Group 32 114
Saffron Housing Trust 8
Sanctuary Housing Association 312 34 20
Stonewater 452 10
Suffolk Housing Society 1,002 31 226 25
YMCA Trinity Group 25


If you have any feedback, suggestions, comments or additions to make, please e-mail sue.beecroft@cambridge.gov.uk – thank you!