The ministry of Justice has set out a Code of Practice for Victims of Crime (Victims’ Code) which was introduced in 2006 and sets out the minimum levels of service which victims can expect from agencies that are signatories to it.
Within the code of practice the definition of a victim is laid out. The previous (2013) version of the Victims’ Code defined a victim as someone who suffered harm directly caused by criminal conduct, as recorded under the National Crime Recording Standards (NCRS).
In the 2015 edition of the Victim’s code, the definition of a victim has been broadened to ensure compliance with the Victims’ Directive, which confers rights on persons who have suffered harm caused directly by any criminal offence. This includes victims of summary only offences (such as road traffic matters and regulatory offences), which are reported to the police.
Under the revised (2015) Victims’ Code, a “victim” is defined as:
- A natural person who has suffered harm, including physical, mental or emotional harm or economic loss which was directly caused by a criminal offence;
- A close relative of a person whose death was directly caused by a criminal offence. “Close relative” is defined as the spouse, the partner, the relatives in direct line, the siblings and the dependants of the victim. Other family members, including guardians and carers, may be considered close relatives at the discretion of the service provider.
Businesses are not included within the definition of victim. However, (as previously), they are still entitled to services, in accordance with the provisions set out in Chapter 4 of the Victims’ Code.
Local Research
Since 2012 the Research Group has been commissioned to provide an overview of victims and offenders in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner or OPCC (Police Authority as was). The first report published in 2012 was a detailed needs assessment of both victims and offenders and involved a detailed analysis of the data and interviews with key stakeholders.
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Victims Update 2016 from CambridgeshireInsight
Also available is the Victim and Offender Population Pyramid by age and gender. This is available to view here.
Further information and links
- To view the code of practice for victims as laid out by the Ministry of Justice please click here.
- To find out more information about where to find support as a victim please click here.
- For local guidance and support please visit Cambridgeshire Constabulary Victim’s Hub here.
- For independent and confidential advice for victims of crime click here.