The Housing Operations Group is for housing operational leads across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and West Suffolk. The on-line group was set up early in 2019 to help share good practice, news and events locally, supported by Homes for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, and the Housing Board.
Want to join?
Operational leads from housing providers in our area are very welcome to join the mailing list, if you are interested please get in touch.
What issues are covered?
Housing operations includes housing management, community development, maintenance and repair and resident involvement.
So far, issues covered in the e-newsletter include
- Dealing with scams
- A survey of problems arising on new homes developments if it takes a long time for households to get their postcode confirmed
- Update on Cambridgeshire County Council’s review of housing related support, at May 2019
- Sharing the date for workshops on tackling domestic abuse and on homelessness
- Gauging interest in training on dementia-friendly housing
- Sharing the link to papers for the Financial Capability Forum
- A list of useful events and dates in the next few months
…and this list will grow over time.
What is this page for?
This page provides a space for members of the group to share materials, create a library of good practice and access a shared calendar for local events of interest.