Monitoring housing, business and renewable energy development
The County Council provides detailed information on the scale and location of new housing, business, retail and renewable energy development in the county. The main focus of the research is to provide important information that is needed in order to plan for the future development and growth of Cambridge. The research also enables the council to monitor the effectiveness of existing planning policies that are set out in the District local plans.
Housing, business, retail and renewable energy development statistics
Each year, a survey of development in the county is carried out. It involves checking the status of planning permissions for housing, business, retail and other types of development.
The survey is carried out in co-operation with the district councils. The results of the survey are used in statistical returns to central government and used in monitoring reports to help us with planning for the future. The following information is based on data that was collected with a nominal survey date of 31 March 2023.
Cambridgeshire Housing Completions and Commitments 2002-23 tables
Number of dwellings completed (built) in each financial year from 2002/03 to 2022/23, data gathered and cleaned by CCC Business Intelligence (Research) team. Worksheet includes data by district, by bedrooms, on previously development land, affordable and density. This data supersedes data published in previous years.
Number of formal dwelling commitments at 31/03/2023, which includes those with planning permissions (not yet finished) or those allocated for development. Worksheet includes data by district and status of permission/development. This data supersedes data published in previous years.
Business + Retail and Town Centres
Cambridge City Business + Retail and Town Centre 2002-2023 tables
Fenland Business + Retail and Town Centres 2002-2023 tables
Huntingdonshire Business + Retail and Town Centres 2002-2023 tables
South Cambridgeshire Business + Retail and Town Centres 2002-2023 tables
Amount of floorspace and land (built) in each financial year from 2002/03 to 2022/23, data gathered and cleaned by CCC Policy and Insight (Research) team. This data supersedes data published in previous years.
Amount of completed Retail floorspace (sq.m.) in each financial year from 2002/2003 to 2022/23. Broken down into four development use classes; A1, A2, B1a and D2. Worksheet includes data by local authority and gains or losses. This data supersedes data published in previous years.
East Cambridgeshire business + retail town centre data is not available.
Renewable Energy
Cambridgeshire Renewable Energy Output 2023 tables
Installed capacity of renewable energy (Megawatts) in each financial year from 2011/2012 to 2022/23. Worksheet includes data by district and type of renewable energy. This data supersedes data published in previous years.