Our Partners
Our partners are vital to making this site. We all work together to provide the local data and information in one place.
Cambridgeshire Research Group
The Cambridgeshire Research Group provides a wide variety of information on the people and economy of Cambridgeshire in order to help plan services for the county. We work closely with many service groups to provide data and information on projects, surveys, consultations and bids going on throughout the Council.
Cambridgeshire Public Health Intelligence Team
The Public Health Intelligence Team in Cambridgeshire County Council’s Public Health department develop, maintain and disseminate information covering demography, deaths and illness, health inequalities, lifestyles and the wider determinants of health. The team provides epidemiological, analytical and information-based support to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), the Health and Wellbeing Board, and to NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group.
Cambridge sub-regional housing board
Across Cambridge, East Cambridgeshire, Fenland, Huntingdonshire, South Cambridgeshire, Forest Heath and St Edmundsbury areas, the Cambridge sub-Regional Housing Board (CRHB) shares learning and experiences across our housing market area, working with a wide range of partners to:
- deliver new homes which support economic success and create mixed and cohesive communities
- enable better health and wellbeing
- improve standards in existing homes and encourage best use of all homes
- meet housing need and tackle homelessness.
CRHB works to an annual plan, set out here. More detail of CRHB membership and meetings can be found here, along with details of partners involved in our housing network.
Cambridge CVS
CCVS is an independent registered charity, set up by local organisations in the 1980’s as a support and network organisation to help community and voluntary groups in Cambridge, South Cambridgeshire and Fenland. Services are classified under three broad headings.