Housing authorities prepare strategies about various aspects of housing in their area. Some strategies shared across a wider area. Here, we provide links to various strategies in place across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and West Suffolk.
Sub-regional housing strategy
- Housing Board’s 2017-2018 action plan agreed May 2017.
- 2016-17 action plan agreed July 2016 and outcomes.
- 2015-16 action plan published May 2015 and outcomes.
- Action Plan 2014 and outcomes.
- Action Plan 2013.
- Housing Statement 2012.
- Housing Statement 2011.
- Housing Strategy 2008-2011.
Housing strategies
- Greater Cambridge housing strategy and supporting information here – covers Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire
- East Cambridgeshire strategic housing page
- Fenland housing page
- Huntingdonshire’s housing page and housing strategy 2017 to 2020 and action plan 2017-18
- South Cambridgeshire – covered under “Greater Cambridge” (above)
- West Suffolk’s housing strategy page and housing strategy 2018 to 2023.
Homelessness strategies
Each district also has its own strategy on how it will work to prevent and tackle homelessness. Here are some links
- Cambridge City Council homelessness & rough sleeping review and homelessness and rough sleeping strategy 2021-2026
- East Cambridgeshire District Council Homelessness and rough sleeper strategy 2020-2025
- Fenland District Council homelessness and rough sleeping strategy 2020-2022
- Huntingdonshire District Council homelessness strategy (October 2017).
- South Cambridgeshire District Council homelessness strategy 2018-2023
- West Suffolk’s homelessness reduction and rough sleeping strategy 2018-2023, and policy on discharge of homelessness duty into the private rented sector.
Local housing development and enabling pages
- Cambridge housing development page
- East Cambridgeshire strategic housing page
- Fenland’s housing strategy and enabling page
- Huntingdonshire’s affordable development page
- South Cambridgeshire housing strategies, policies and procedures page here including new build strategy
- West Suffolk’s housing development page.
Allocation and letting policies
- Home-Link sub-regional lettings policy (for Cambridgeshire and West Suffolk)
- Cambridge City Council lettings policy
- East Cambridgeshire allocations policy
- Fenland lettings policy
- Huntingdonshire lettings policy
- South Cambridgeshire
- West Suffolk lettings policy
Empty homes
- Cambridge empty homes page and 2017 empty homes policy
- East Cambridgeshire’s empty homes page
- Fenland empty homes advice web page, which includes practical advice about getting your property ready to let, finding the right tenants or selling your investment on.
- Huntingdonshire’s empty homes page
- Peterborough’s empty homes strategy 2017-2019
- South Cambridgeshire empty homes page and Empty Homes Strategy 2012-2016
- West Suffolk’s empty homes page.
Private sector housing policies, and related
- This page sets out useful links about finding private rented accommodation.
- Cambridge City Council encourages homeowners to consider using their Town Hall Lettings service to let their home, find a tenant or a lodge, or to invest. The shared accommodation offer helps single homeless people who have low support needs, are working or in receipt of benefits.
- The City Council also runs its own supported lodgings scheme. Householders let a room in their home to an approved lodger on a short-term arrangement for between 3 and 9 months.
East Cambridgeshire
- East Cambridgeshire runs a rent deposit scheme to help people rent a home on the private market.
- Fenland’s housing enforcement policy and landlord advice page include details of landlord registration, deposit scheme and deposit protection – and more. The council provides a free service to help with lettings, fast track local housing allowance payments and provides lists of prospective tenants on the landlord advice page.
Huntingdonshire provides information about renting privately here.
Huntingdonshire also provides a list of private homes for rent, but does not get involved in the detail of any letting arrangement; and offers private renters assistance with the rent deposits.
South Cambridgeshire
- South Cambridgeshire operates Shire Homes letting scheme, encouraging private landlords and owners of empty homes to rent homes to local people.
West Suffolk
- Private landlords and homeowners page here
- Houses in multiple occupancy page here
- Housing grants page here.
Peterborough offers help to private tenants on this page including a rent deposit scheme and advice on the rent deposit protection scheme.
There is also a list of standards private tenants should expect for their home, here.
Peterborough also engages with private owners to lease properties for sub-letting. More detail here.
Tenancy strategies
Under the Localism Act 2011 a council can set a tenancy strategy, which aims to make sure new rents and flexibilities set out in the Act were used properly.
- Cambridge City Council tenancy strategy 2020, glossary and supporting data
- East Cambridgeshire Tenancy Strategy 2013
- Fenland Tenancy Strategy
- Huntingdonshire Tenancy Strategy
- South Cambridgeshire Tenancy Strategy
- West Suffolk Tenancy Strategy 2018-2023
- Peterborough strategic tenancy policy 2012
Tenancy policies
Under the Localism Act 2011 housing providers can set a tenancy policy, which aims to make clear how they plan to use the new rents and flexibilities set out in the Act. Tenancy policies are available on housing providers’ websites and may be updated every now and then. Here are some local examples:
- BPHA resource page includes link to bpha’s tenancy policy
- Cambridge City Council tenancy policy
- Flagship page listing key policies including a link to Flagship’s tenancy policy
- Hanover’s resident information page focusing on tenancy issues
- Hastoe tenancy policy
- Hundred Houses: ‘Your Rent’ page sets out tenancy options
- Hyde Housing’s affordable rent tenure policy (PDF)
- Muir Group homes page which includes information on the types of tenancies used by Muir, across the country
- Orbit ‘your tenancy’ page sets out types and details about Orbit tenancies
- Sanctuary Housing’s tenancy options page
- South Cambridgeshire District Council’s page which includes tenancy policy link
We would like to include links to every provider’s tenancy policy in our area. If you’d like to share your tenancy policy here, please contact us.
Older people’s housing, care and support needs in Greater Cambridge 2017-2036
The recommendations are intended to stimulate discussion at a local level about how best to meet the requirements of an ageing population. The research shows that the future needs of older people can be met in different ways, and that local authorities and their partners should try to understand the relationship between different services and forms of accommodation to define local priorities and strategies for action.
The final report from the research Older people’s housing, care and support needs in Greater Cambridge 2017-2036 is available to download here.
Local Plans
Local Plans can be located via Cambridgeshire Insight’s planning page.
West Suffolk has an affordable housing supplementary planning document.