Housing guide
Our housing guide sets out a range of housing services available across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and West Suffolk, with links to help you find out more and get in touch with the right team.
The guide does NOT provide any kind of advice, it simply gives a picture of housing activities and how you can find out more – usually by providing a link to a partner’s website.
Some related topics such as help with mental health or finding support through other partners is also included, though not strictly housing functions these may be useful to contact.
Step 1: What kind of housing do you live in?
Some services and projects are only aimed at specific housing types which some are available to all. In the guide we have included a brief description of each service and who can access it.
The main housing ‘types’ mentioned are:
- Social or affordable housing
- Private renting
- Home ownership
- Housing with support
Step 2: Which district do you live in?
This link takes you to a government website where you can click on a map to find out the name of your county council and your local council…
- Link to county-level map which leads you to a City / borough / district level map – OR
- Link to a tool where you can type in either postcode or street and town
Once you’ve used to tool to find which district you need, please close that window and come back to these pages to explore the Guide. If you click on the district name over in the direct.gov website you’ll reach the general web page for the local council.
So please remember to come back here to the Housing Guide, to find out about housing services and teams locally!
Step 3: Click on the page for your district…
- Cambridge
- East Cambridgeshire
- Fenland
- Huntingdonshire
- South Cambridgeshire
- Peterborough
- West Suffolk
Step 4: Who to contact if a homeless person is preparing to leave hospital
This note sets out who to contact if someone preparing to leave hospital is homeless or has housing issues.
Step 5: Ideas, suggestions, questions?
If you have feedback about the Guide, suggestions to improve it or questions about it, please contact Sue Beecroft, housing coordinator who you can email at sue.beecroft@cambridge.gov.uk
Thank you!