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Census 2021
Census 2021 ward and parish estimates

Census 2021 ward and provisional parish level population, household and dwellings estimates have now been published.

Local Population and Dwelling Stock Estimates and Forecasts

Mid-2021 population and dwelling stock estimates and 2021-based forecasts have now been published.

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FInd out about the health and wellbeing of local communities through our published Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

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Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Insight is a shared research knowledge base for the area.  It allows users an easy way to access and share information and research for deeper insights about their local area.

We have grouped all our information by theme. The ‘Quick Profiles’ tool below provides an overview report for wards within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough across all themes. To view more detailed profiles for the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough as a whole, districts, wards and Lower Super Output Areas, please visit our theme pages and click on the ‘Interactive Reports’ options or alternatively, select Data Tools on our main menu.

Quick Ward Profile
Total population estimates


July 15, 2024

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

May 29, 2024

We have updated our transport insights document for Q1 2024 – available in slide pack and pdf formats on this … Continue reading “Transport Data Update – Q1 2024”

Total population forecasts to 2036
Claimant count
Unemployment rate
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