How Are You (HAY) website

How Are You (HAY) website

The How Are You (H.A.Y.) website began as H.A.Y. Peterborough and has since expanded to become a family of district sites, one for each of the localities in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. It was developed in response to coproduction work in the Peterborough Exemplar, where local people recognised that whilst there were various pre-existing directory websites (such as Keep Your Head and local council directories), there was a need for a new approach. A team of digital and community engagement coordinators, and sets about to meet three asks raised in initial coproduction work:

  • Create a super local resource, celebrating community assets at locality-level that add value to wellbeing for local people.
  • Address barriers to accessing mental health support by creating a website that does not feel clinical and does not require people to self-define as needing support for their mental health.
  • Acknowledge the barrier for engaging in supportive activities are not simply ones of information and knowledge, but rather often related to confidence and motivation. Be not just a listings directory site, but provide information to help people access community activities, groups and services, such as by including introductory videos of group organisers, video tours from outside the building into the setting, and taster clips where possible.

The How Are You websites split into activities and support. Types of support listed includes:

The How Are You website provides a directory of groups and organisations across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough that support good mental wellbeing, including:


Full list of references is included at the end of this chapter.