Key statistics relating to Children and Young People in Cambridgeshire as a whole can be found using the area profile button below.
To view these key statistics for smaller areas within the county (i.e. districts, wards and LSOAs) please use the drop down menus.
Cambridgeshire County Council Policy and Insight team also produce detailed and regular updated pupil forecasts for incorporation in budgets and planning of school place provision. You can access the latest Pupil Projection reports within our document library.
The Policy and Insight team also contribute to ensuring that pupil forecasts and background planning information is used in efficient and effective ways throughout the local authority, primarily in the form of school profiles, contributions to reports and other advice to education officers.
Performance tables for Cambridgeshire schools and colleges can be viewed on the Department for Education’s website.
The buttons below link you to the following pages:
Area profiles: an interactive report which helps visualise key datasets relating to Children, Young People and Education