Work Routes

Work Routes

Work Routes is a voluntary programme to help long-term unemployed people start and sustain work.

Funded by the European Social Fund and the Department for Work and Pensions, Work Routes covers Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Work Routes is tailored to meet the needs of local jobseekers, helping people to overcome their barriers to work with a range of personal support, which is available for up to a year.

By working collaboratively with a range of specialist local partners this idea is to reduce economic inactivity and support people to change their lives for the better. The programme can provide up to 26 weeks of tailored in-work support.

Who is involved?

The lead partner for Work Routes is Reed in Partnership, working with two other partners, Seetec and F1 Training.


To be eligible for the programme people must be unemployed or economically inactive, aged over 16 and fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • Long term unemployed or inactive (26 weeks or longer)
  • Basic skills need
  • Have more than one barrier to employment. Barriers may include:
    • A lone parent
    • An older worker (aged over 50)
    • An ex-offender
    • Caring responsibilities (including those returning to employment when caring responsibilities end)
    • Have a physical disability or health condition, including sensory impairment
    • Mental health or learning disability
    • Drug or alcohol dependency
    • An ethnic minority
    • Have low or no qualifications
    • Language barrier (for example, English is not the first language)


The programme is running across the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Enterprise Partnership area with delivery offices in Cambridge, Peterborough, Bury St Edmunds, Kings Lynn and Wisbech.

Contact details