Data and Dashboards

Health and Wellbeing dashboards

This page provides links to a suite of interactive dashboards that present data on the health and wellbeing of residents living in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. These dashboards allow comparisons across our area, show statistical differences and trends compared to England and provide benchmarks against local authority nearest neighbours.

The majority of the data are sourced from Fingertips profiles produced by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities ( Where dashboards have been created to compliment subject specific JSNA’s these are also available through the links at the bottom of the page.

Please follow the links below to access each dashboard

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough population estimates and forecasts 
  Wider determinants of health, health improvement, health protection, healthcare and premature mortality
  Social, economic and environmental factors that impact on health.  Includes natural and built environment, work and labour market, income and vulnerability, crime and education
  Immunisations and vaccinations, sexually transmitted infections & HIV, gastrointestinal infections, respiratory infections and hepatitis
  Prevalence, risk factors and mortality relating to cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory disease and musculoskeletal health
  Mental health in children and young people, common mental health disorders, co-occurring substance misuse and mental health issues, perinatal, severe mental illness and suicide prevention
Population demographics and forecasts, health indicators, projection on health and support arrangements, prevalence and comorbidities
  National surveillance of flu, covid and other seasonal respiratory diseases


Please follow the links below to the JSNA dashboards

  Demography, population change, ethnicity, languages, disease prevalence, self-rated health, groups at risk of inequality and local health
Demography and equalities groups, health and care needs, health outcomes, healthy child programme and early development, health behaviours and education
  Demographics of residents living in new housing developments compared to existing communities, including housing characteristics and the new housing survey