With the initial release of the English Devolution White Paper we know there will be lots of interest regarding local populations and other relevant metrics. Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Insight is the best place to source this data for the local area.

In terms of population figures, our estimates are produced using the most recent Census and population estimates as well as local data sources, such as health statistics, school rolls and electoral registers.

Cambridgeshire County Council’s population and dwelling stock forecasts are available for districts and wards. They present a forecast of how the usual resident population and number of dwellings is anticipated to change up to 2041, using the most recent mid-year population and dwelling stock estimates as a starting point. These forecasts are ‘policy-led’, so that they are consistent with planned levels of house-building. This is based on the most recent housing trajectories published by each local authority, with some interpolation and extrapolation by Cambridgeshire County Council. Recent historic demographic trends in births, deaths and migration are also taken into account in the population forecasts.

They can be found here – https://cambridgeshireinsight.org.uk/population/population-forecasts/


We have have an extensive range of nationally produced administrative data that can be viewed in the data explorer as well. https://cambridgeshireinsight.org.uk/data-catalog-explorer/