Local Economic Assessment
This section includes a new LEP-wide local economic assessment interactive atlas, and Cambridgeshire’s 2013 local economic assessment.
Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Economic Assessment Interactive Atlas 2015
The Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Economic Assessment Interactive Atlas provides a wealth of economic data for the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Local Enterprise Partnership (GCGP LEP) area and its constituent districts. The interactive atlas presents a variety of data from different sources, and is divided into three sections: People, Business and Place.
Cambridgeshire’s Economic Assessment 2013
The primary purpose of Cambridgeshire’s Economic Assessment is to inform the county and district councils’ economic interventions, along with those of the GCGP LEP. The economic assessment also forms part of the evidence base for the preparation of a range of local strategies such as local transport plans, skills and economic development strategies and local plans for development. The latest annual update took place in the early part of 2013 and these updated documents are in our Document Library.